Tuesday, 12 May 2009


So whattagoarnhereso? Still arting about. This one above you may remember from the old blog, I did back in 87 and not 89 as mentioned elsewhere - blinking 22 years ago - some of you weren't even born then huh? That's what aging does - overloads you with back story. Anyway those aeroplanes in that basket were part of some billboard that was all over the underground at the time - some may recall. I stood on the platform and fell in love with it. Shame Concorde is gone now. Anyway the reason I put RRH drawing up here is because (during a rather prolonged absence) I've been scratching away doing sketches for 'Hum of History' 9 - 22 - or rather the Act Two of this series - quite a task - plus I want to get all the 14 sketches finished (and visually coherent) before I even make a start turning them into large drawings. Quite apart from the fact that I don't have any room left. The RRH is actually going to influence the style of the next segment - which will be far more charcoal-y, edgy and dark almost monochromatic compared to the first 8. Plus tons more drama. Ha!

Also quietly working on some book plates and a proposal for a huge scale project.
Kind of quiet on the blog. Still waiting for the remainder of jazz book funds to finish that off. Blogging about waiting around for stuff isn't all that interesting is it? So hope the new (or even the old - while moving desks) powers-that-be get their fingers out soon..
